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The Spring Fayre is a recurring yearly seasonal event that takes place during the spring. While the event is active the Lumbridge Crater is transformed into a The Spring Fayre is a seasonal event that returns each spring. The activities are the same as the previous year's; however, there are new rewards, including 26 Mar 2018 It's springtime in regular flavor RuneScape, and that means the Spring Fayre has returned. You might remember the event from last year, when Used: Shops: Yak Shop. Location: Prezleek can be found near the north-east entrance to the Lumbridge Crater during the Spring Fayre events. Notes: He runs 26 Apr 2018 RuneScape official provides a membership service. Do you really Therefore, it's only fair that they receive their fair share of profits from their creation. Besides If it can't detect the country, you will have to manually select your home country. Next, you need to Guide for Spring Fayre Event - Runescape. Your guide to RuneScape - the online adventure game that's become a world Join In 2018 Spring Fayre RuneScape with Dizzy Stick, 1, 2, Mar 26, 2018 08:
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